Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Someone just turned off the light, and it couldn't get any darker than this. Our lives have just gotten pitch black with a 'click', but it wasn't just any simple darkness of night befalling or overclouding above our heads. We heard noises. I heard possible losses.

Losing what many would have taken for granted and never thought they would lose.

And then my heart grew heavy and my mind went blank. What is going to become of me? And what is going to become of everyone around me. I reminisce about the past, whine about the present and cry for the future. Just what is going to happen? People come and go and love walks right out the door the minute you leave that door unlocked. Not literally, of course.

You feel and think about how unfair life has been. Life IS unfair. Who said its not? And if it wasn't, there wouldnt be this wedge driving the rich and poor apart. There wont be the healthy gloating with the weak suffering. And if life is fair, you won't see where many of us are today. Life, indeed is unfair, but the irony of it all is that when you actually sit down and start giving thought to what life really is all about, time tend to swift past no slower than you can gulp down that cup of warm milk before bed time. There's so much to life that we all tend to overlook, and there's so much to this overlooking that we neglect. Search deep down your soul and question.
Just what is worth dying for?

LOVE. No more no less. Just love.

No doubt in my quest to know of love is subtle, i've found a treasure that i wont truly trade for anything in this world, and you ask me whether iv'e truly loved before, why don't you take some time off to reflect on whether YOU have truly loved before. Of course, i must point out - my idea of love is not limited to romantic love and pure lovemaking. Sadly, most people around me could only blatantly associate love with what they feel for their spouses or whom they are infatuated/lusted with.

Ultimately, whether we like it or not, or whether its served on a platter, the sum of our lives are pretty much determined (or some would argue, pre-determined) by who we love and who it is that love us. Regardless of how you feel, you know deep down someone loves you or at least once did or even tried to. We are made to love, my dear friends.

Yes, you read me right. We are not made to work for material things that would surely perish. (though a little extra cash always come in handy) These material things are necessary to make-do with life but they do not wrap up our PURPOSE in life. The concept of self is always minimal and negligible in the one that knows the fullness of love for the strength of love can empower and bring its incredible extraordinary spirit onto any individual who is willing.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not pulling any of you into religion but before we stop and criticize individuals who have fallen out of love or souless beings who have lost all hope in affection, i do hope we know exactly where we are coming from.

Afterall, love is not about possessing. if we want what we want, thats wanting, not loving.

Sure, i dont really understand the whys of love. It's just something so magical. There is indeed so much to know about love and so much for love to find its way to us, but do bear in mind that love knows the meaning of delaying gratification intimately. There is the highest and lowest point, the very beginning and end of what love can achieve. I am very fortunate to learn of love through great experiences. No doubt some of these experiences are not all too pleasant, at least they were experiences.

Go dwell upon it well and come to a conclusion of your own for love can be subjective. very subjective, but if you really would beg to differ and are convicted by your thoughts that would prove otherwise, then settle it with a private discourse with me. Afterall, i would love to know what all nineteen of you think, as much as i want to know what i know is proven wrong.

As cliche as can be 'in every cloud there is a silver lining' and 'after the rain comes the sun' yada yada, you get me. Even if love gets sifted away in the process of growing up, you all do know, as long as we're true to one another, nothing beats having close friends you can really count on.


Blogger junkie said...

happy birthday.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

love love your blog song~

8:53 PM  
Blogger 貴族滝沢~Kizoku Takizawa~ said...

nice song...

4:16 PM  

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