Friday, July 03, 2009

we have grown more accustomed to the different ways of lives.

who goes where and who does what; doesnt really matter much anymore does it? i choose to believe we, mankind, are creatures of habit. once we delve deep into the likes and characteristics of one, we find ourselves struggling to create another persona.

ill let you in on a secret. i grew up sucking my thumb like all babies do. only thing was i didnt stop till i hit primary 5. the process of quitting was painstaking - like you're suddenly deprived of something so vital to you. sure, the rottans were definitely a way to deter me from sticking my germ-filled thumb into the blackhole. but whenever mum or dad was not around, subconciously, i would relapse back into the 6 year-old kid i always thought i was.

that old lady of mine would spell out all the drawbacks from indulging in that form of action. bugged-tooth, bacteria ( esp for my weak immune system ), sagging skin on the thumb, irregular bloodflow to the thumb, yadayada. she never knew the pleasures of it ( now ladies, dont get me wrong ).

jack did.

yes, jack. my imaginary friend since forever till he decided never to appear one morning. jack knew me. jack knew how i would give up my world (then) to just hug my bolster and suck my thumb to sleep. it has been many years and im definitely past that childhood phase of mine. thinking back, had mummy not delibrately made me stop sucking ( no, i cant find another more apt way of writing this ), id be ostracised today. i know i will be.

the society will not condone such behaviours - not for the right minds. no, not for the elites.

but the question is...why?


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