Monday, August 17, 2009

i read this in the news a couple of days ago about global food production.

i find it kind of funny yet ironically, kind of sad. the recent news show two-thirds of adults in the United States being overweight or obese - and that it continues to grow - leaves me wondering: then why are we all not starving?

experts have predicted that human population would outstrip that of food supply, resulting in a mass famine. no doubt, there are pockets of starvation around ( with celebrities trying to play Mother Mary - dont mind me ), but there are tonnes of food that get plowed underneath us just because there's so much that farmers cant get the price they want. learn economics.

and indeed, its a vicious cycle.

farmers want more income. so they harvest more crops. more crops means more food. and more food only means... more fat people. only cause there is a lot of cheap food around. and thanks to that ( and Americans ), snickers and all alike have decided to downside their chocolate bars ( maybe to reduce production cost, who knows ).

remember the guy who popularised the economic theory of rent - thomas robert malthus? he once said, ''The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.'' human population booms while food production lags behind. and this population growth will, sooner or later, get checked by famine and mortality.

it made eminent sense.

yet today, we owe a great deal to the scientists that gave us the Green Revolution and another group that figured how to made bread out of air. yes, you read me right - air. how did adam and eve produce such fine creatures that could create and refine technology so perfectly? till now, i am marvelled by that fact. are you not?