Thursday, July 12, 2007

i remember vividly scribbling over my notes a few months ago when i still had the grasp for something greater - expect no more than what you can achieve. then it hit on me just minutes into my physics lesson therein lies the most terrible flaw any mankind has ever made or even noticed.

i can still recall the times when the voices circling around my head echoed the words 'give up, max' when i almost reached nadir. as much as i longed for the easy way out, i decided to perservere. no, i didnt want to settle comfortably amongst the losers. no, i didnt want to settle for something lesser than what i can achieve. i think im made for something better. i think some of my friends are made for something better. not all, some.

but i realised, everytime i expect - the disappointment is always greater, no less.

its not that we cant push ourselves and reached for the stars. its not that we cant pass the finish line in the shortest possible time. but because we're only humans and only want to fit in nicely. we're all just too lazy to go that extra mile. someone once told me - 'do your best in whatever you undertake, else you can just save the effort. ' for you and i both know, as much as it makes sense, majority of us behave otherwise.

and the past few days were no exception for me.

not that i didnt predict my performances, but i guess i should have just known better. its not so much about the imperfection or flaws that im constantly rambling about.

its really about something good gone wrong.

kudos to those that truly perservere - my idols than to those ordinary of the ordinary. and you tell me to count my lucky stars, id give you no less than to what i can do. its just fate. its just fate yadayada. and at times you really wonder who are the true ones that are there to support you. and oh! the piece of paper that possesed the 8 words were being striked out. instead, it read...

dont expect - you never know what shit might actually come your way.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

ok, lets exercise a little bit of effort and put our thinking caps on - a change for once, at least.

sometimes, you just have to walk away. i know, we all hate to fail, hate to give in, hate to give up and that we love the challenge of life and want to keep on until whatever we are trying to 'win' has been overcomed, vanquished, beaten, won. but at times, it just aint gonna happen and we need to learn to recognize those moments, learn how to philosophically shrug and walk away with our pride intact and our dignity held high. afterall - its not your fault on your part.

sometimes you really want to do something and yet it is unrealistic. instead of knocking yourself out, cultivate the art of walking away and youll find that things will seem a lot less stressful. my friend, if a relationship is coming to an end, instead of playing out long and complicated - AND potentially harmful - end games, learn the art of walking away.

if its dead, leave it.

this really isnt a rule that ought to be in the relationship manual or a guide for dummies - its here because it is for you, to protect you and stop any unnecessary nonsense id say. this has nothing to do with 'them' but it all has to do with you. YES, you. if its dead, dont go digging it up every fifteen minutes to check if there is a pulse.

its dead, walk away.

you may want to get even - dont get mad, just walk away. this certainly is much better than getting even because it shows you have risen above whatever it is that has driven you crazy. and there cant be no better way of getting even than to ignore something so completely that it can be left behind. you can cry, but just walk away.

i can go on forever and try to talk more sense into you. but that my friend, will be never-ending. therefore, just let go and walk away - show youre exercising control and that you have good decision-making powers. not just any irrational thinking or immature behaviour. you are certainly making your own choice than letting the situation control you.

yes, it really is dead. walk away.